MACE Product Features

Advanced Emitter Editor

MACE with it’s Signal Generation Engine (SGE) can simulate advanced, 5th generation systems including low observable platforms and Active and Passively Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA and PESA radar) as well as highly contested battlespaces.  The MACE Emitter Editor allows the user to create and edit electronic devices such as RADARs, radios, and jammers to a very high level of detail. This tool is available in both MACE and Misson Object Creation Tool (MOCT). In MACE, the editor may be used to make changes at any emitter during a mission (except for those emitters generated remotely that have been received over DIS or TENA).


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This video demonstrates MACE’s ability to simulate advanced AESA/PESA radar behaviors over DIS. It also demonstrates MACE’s physics-based fresnel zone diffraction over terrain, and how to dynamically edit the beam/pulse/scan pattern data on-the-fly. Radar activity is shown on the right in MetaVR’s VRSG image generator, using BSI’s 3D beam plug-in (which comes standard with MACE-EW).


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Virtual SA-8 Simulation

This video shows BSI’s new SA-8 Virtual SAM (surface-to-air-missile) simulation. All three stations are simulated; acquisition, tracking and the commander’s station. They can be configured to run on the same computer, with one operator, or on 3 different computers, each manned by a separate operator, as in the real system. The Virtual SA-8 interfaces with BSI’s MACE software, controlling the radar activity and passing missile launch commands to MACE, which then simulates the missile fly-out towards the target. Shown here rendered by MetaVR’s Virtual Reality Scene Generator.

Defeat the Man: SA-8 vs. A-10C

This video demonstrates a head-to-head engagement between a virtual A-10C and a virtual SA-8. The A-10C station was configured using Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE) and MetaVR’s Virtual Reality Scene Generator (VRSG). The SA-8 is simulated within BSI’s Device Simulation Container (DSC). It also uses VRSG to create the optical tracker. The SA-8 operator managed the task saturation of manning all three stations and engaged an encroaching A-10C. The A-10C pilot used chaff and maneuver to defeat the incoming missiles and safely escape.

Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Misses F-16

In this video, a SAM searches for, then tracks an F-16. The F-16 engages a MiG, and maneuvers into the SAM’s range; the SAM shoots but misses. BSI’s Air-to-Air radar is used to find and lock the MiG.

MACE - Viper Voice Recognition & Synthetic Response

This video shows how to configure BSI’s Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE) and Viper DIS Radio for voice recognition and synthetic response.

MACE Support for World Wide OSM Databases

This video demonstrates MACE connecting to 2 new GIS databases we’ve developed, both of which are derived from the OpenStreetMap database. The first is a worldwide road vector database, containing primary and secondary roads for the planet, and the second is a rasterized presentation of the OSM database. MACE 2016R1 supports both of these databases, which run in separate Linux Virtual Machines (and can be run from any Windows computer).

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