BSI Provides Naval Aviators an Edge In Training

BSI Provides Naval Aviators an Edge In Training in the Combined Arms Virtual Trainer (CAVE) article originally posted on USNI News NAS Fallon CAVE simulator. US Navy Photo BSI is proud to have designed and delivered a Combined Arms Virtual Environment (CAVE) Joint...

BSI Provides MACE & Viper Radios for JTAGSS

BSI Provides 12 Additional MACE License and 92 Additional Viper DIS Radios for use by the Joint Theater Air-Ground Simulation System (JTAGSS) BSI MACE & Viper DIS Radio BSI provides 12 more MACEs and 92 more Viper DIS radios for use by the Joint Theater Air-Ground...

MALET-JSIL Aircrew Trainer (MJAT) has adopted MACE as their CGF/SAF

MALET-JSIL Aircrew Trainer (MJAT) has Adopted MACE as their CGF/SAF for Training JTAGSS MQ-9 with MetaVR Virtual Reality Scene Generator The MALET-JSIL Aircrew Trainer, or MJAT, has adopted MACE as their CGF/SAF.  The MJAT is a plug-and-play training capability that...